
When it comes to health, Neofit takes a quality of life approach rather than an inches or calorie approach. We took a look at America’s health or lack of, and the diets & lifestyles that plague an overwhelming number of Americans. Diseases like Cancer, heart disease, diabetes, obesity to name a few, have claimed way too many of our friends and family. This outlook propelled Neofit to research current data by consulting some of the leading journalist and doctors of our time for remedies and or potential cures. Imagine for a moment, how happy you’d be to almost never be sick or suffer from an aforementioned disease? Suffer from the Flu for only 2 days? Is that even possible? Well it is possible and Neofit can assist your training and empower you with the knowledge and information to do so! So come train with us, review a variety of systems and develop what will work for you, not someone else. Learn how to set your own body on a clock without always having to look at one. Learn how to make your body more efficient. Learn how this health conscious diet also benefits your fitness, strength, and or competitive goals. Neofit, improving quality of health for a longer, better, stronger life!!